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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - even


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~1 adv 1 used to emphasize something that is unexpected or surprising in what you are saying  (Even the younger children enjoyed the concert. | We've all been naughty sometimes - even Mummy! | not even)  (Henry's a strict vegetarian - he doesn't even eat cheese. | I never even saw the kid until I hit him.) 2 even bigger/better/brighter etc used to emphasize that someone or something is bigger, better etc than before, or than someone or something else you have just mentioned  (New Jet now washes even whiter. | Diane knows even less about it than I do.) 3 used to add a stronger, more exact word to what you are saying  (Molly looked depressed, even suicidal. | The bride looked beautiful, radiant even.) 4 even so spoken used to introduce something that is the opposite or very different from what you have been saying  (I myself don't believe in ghosts. Even so, I wouldn't like to be alone in that room at night.) 5 even if no matter if  (Charlie's going to have problems finding a job even if she gets her A levels.) 6 even though used to emphasize that although something happens or is true, something else also happens or is true  (Even though they loved each other, they decided to part. | I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.) 7 even now/then in spite of what has happened, what you have done, or what is true  (I explained it all to him again, but even then he didn't understand. | Even now I find it hard to believe her story.) 8 even as used to emphasize that something happens at the same moment as something else  (I tried to phone her, but even as I was phoning she was leaving the building. | Even as we watched the car skidded out of control.) ~2 adj 1 »SURFACE« completely flat with all parts at the same height  (The floor must be completely even before we lay the tiles. | an even stretch of road) 2 »NOT CHANGING« an even rate, temperature etc is steady and does not change much  (We were travelling at an even speed. | an even rhythm) 3 »DIVIDED EQUALLY« divided equally, so that there is the same amount of something in each place, for each person etc  (an even distribution of wealth) 4 even number a number that can be divided exactly by two  (2, 4, 6 and 8 are even numbers)  (- opposite odd number odd (6)) 5 »COMPETITION« having teams or competitors that are equally good so that everyone has a chance of winning  (This year's Superbowl was a very even contest.) 6 »LINE OF THINGS« regularly spaced and neat-looking  (even rows of gleaming white teeth) 7 be even informal to no longer owe someone something, especially money  (If you give me $5 for the ticket, we'll be even.) 8 have an even chance (of) to be just as likely to happen as to not happen  (Derek has an even chance of getting the job.) 9 get even with informal to harm someone just as much as they have harmed you  (He's not getting away with this, I'll get even with him one day.)  (- compare uneven, - see also even­tempered, break even break1 (9)) - evenness n ~3 v even out phr v if two amounts, levels etc even out, or if you even them out, the differences between them become smaller  (You have to wait until the water level in the pipes evens out.)  (even something out)  (They even out your payments over the whole year.) even up phr v T even something up) to make a situation or competition more equal ~4 n poetic evening
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  I. [c red]DISCOURSE USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use even to suggest that what comes just after or just before it in the sentence is rather surprising. He kept calling me for years, even after he got married... Even dark-skinned women should use sunscreens... I cannot come to a decision about it now or even give any indication of my own views... He didn’t even hear what I said. ADV: ADV with cl/group, ADV before v 2. You use even with comparative adjectives and adverbs to emphasize a quality that someone or something has. It was on television that he made an even stronger impact as an interviewer... Stan was speaking even more slowly than usual. ADV: ADV compar c darkgreen]emphasis 3. You use even if or even though to indicate that a particular fact does not make the rest of your statement untrue. Cynthia is not ashamed of what she does, even if she ends up doing something wrong... Even though I’m supposed to be working by myself, there are other people who I can interact with. PHRASE 4. If one thing happens even as something else happens, they both happen at exactly the same time. (LITERARY) Even as she said this, she knew it was not quite true... PHRASE 5. You use even so to introduce a surprising fact which relates to what you have just said. (SPOKEN) The bus was only half full. Even so, a young man asked Nina if the seat next to her was taken... = nevertheless PHRASE: PHR with cl 6. You use even then to say that something is the case in spite of what has just been stated or whatever the circumstances may be. Peace could come only gradually, in carefully measured steps. Even then, it sounds almost impossible to achieve... PHRASE: PHR with cl II. [c red]ADJECTIVE USES Please look at category 10 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. An even measurement or rate stays at about the same level. How important is it to have an even temperature when you’re working?... The...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~, eve, from Old English ?fen  Date: before 12th century archaic ~ing  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English efen; akin to Old High German eban ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. having a horizontal surface ; flat ~ ground  b. being without break, indentation, or irregularity ; smooth  c. being in the same plane or line  2.  a. free from variation ; uniform his disposition was ~  b. level 4  3.  a. equal, fair an ~ exchange  b.  (1) leaving nothing due on either side ; square we will not be ~ until you repay my visit  (2) fully r~ged  c. being in equilibrium ; balanced; specifically showing neither profit nor loss  d. obsolete candid  4.  a. being any of the integers (as -2, 0, and +2) that are exactly divisible by two  b. marked by an ~ number  c. being a mathematical function such that f(x) = f(-x) where the value remains unchanged if the sign of the independent variable is reversed  5. exact, precise an ~ dollar  6. as likely as not ; fifty-fifty an ~ chance of winning  Synonyms: see level, steady  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  III. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English efne, from efen, adjective  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. exactly, precisely  b. to a degree that extends ; fully, quite faithful ~ unto death  c. at the very time raining ~ as the sun came out  2.  a. — used as an intensive to emphasize the identity or character of something he looked content, ~ happy forgot his car keys and ~ left the engine running  b. — used as an intensive to stress an extreme or highly unlikely condition or instance so simple ~ a child can do it  c. — used as an intensive to stress the comparative degree she did ~ better  d. — used as an intensive to indicate a small or minimum amount didn't ~ try  IV. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 13th century  transitive verb to make ~  intransitive verb to become ~  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. adj., adv., & v. --adj. (evener, evenest) 1 level; flat and smooth. 2 a uniform in quality; constant. b equal in number or amount or value etc. c equally balanced. 3 (usu. foll. by with) in the same plane or line. 4 (of a person's temper etc.) equable, calm. 5 a (of a number such as 4, 6) divisible by two without a remainder. b bearing such a number (no parking on even dates). c not involving fractions; exact (in even dozens). --adv. 1 used to invite comparison of the stated assertion, negation, etc., with an implied one that is less strong or remarkable (never even opened Etymology: let alone read the letter; does he even suspect Etymology: not to say realize the danger?; ran even faster Etymology: not just as fast as before ; even if my watch is right we shall be late Etymology: later if it is slow ). 2 used to introduce an extreme case (even you must realize it; it might even cost {pound}100). --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) make or become even. 2 tr. (often foll. by to) archaic treat as equal or comparable. Phrases and idioms even as at the very moment that. even break colloq. an equal chance. even chance an equal chance of success or failure. even money 1 betting odds offering the gambler the chance of winning the amount he or she staked. 2 equally likely to happen or not (it's even money he'll fail to arrive). even now 1 now as well as before. 2 at this very moment. even so 1 notwithstanding that; nevertheless. 2 quite so. 3 in that case as well as in others. get (or be) even with have one's revenge on. of even date Law & Commerce of the same date. on an even keel 1 (of a ship or aircraft) not listing. 2 (of a plan or person) untroubled. Derivatives evenly adv. evenness n. Etymology: OE efen, efne 2. n. poet. evening. Etymology: OE {aelig}fen ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) ровный, плоский 2) гладкий 3) равномерный 4) чётный 5) ровнять, сглаживать 6) уравновешивать 7) выравнивать - almost even - evenly even - oddly even - unevenly even ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) ровный, равный; выравнивать 2) четный 3) параллельный 4) целый, точный 5) даже – even so – even through EVEN прил. 1) одинаковый, равный 2) четный • - at even - break even - even date - even distribution - even lot - even money - even rank - even rollover - even up prices Syn: round figures Ant: odd ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. уст. вечер; склон дня 2. четное число even or odd? —- чет или нечет? 3. целое число 4. ровный, гладкий to make even —- подравнивать, выравнивать (поверхность); сглаживать even ground —- воен. слабопересеченная местность 5. ровный, равномерный even breathing —- ровное дыхание even development —- равномерное развитие even running —- спокойный ход (машины) even temperature —- ровная температура even trot —- мерная рысь even voice —- монотонный голос even load —- спец. равномерная нагрузка 6. равный, одинаковый; такой же, тот же even stress —- фон. два ударения равной силы (в слове) even bet —- пари с равными шансами even break —- ам. равные шансы a letter of even date —- юр. ком. письмо от того же числа to divide into even shares —- делить поровну to break even —- остаться при своих (в игре); ком. окончиться безубыточно; покрыть свои расходы they meet on even ground —- их силы равны, никто из них не имеет перевеса 7. на одном уровне, вровень even with the pavement —- вровень с тротуаром snow even with the eaves —- снег до самых стрех to make even with the ground —- сровнять с землей 8. параллельный 9. уравновешенный even temper —- спокойный характер even scale —- равновесие the two scales hang even —- чаши весов находятся в равновесии 10. расквитавшийся, рассчитавшийся to be even —- свести счеты, расквитаться we...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  movement равномерное движение EVEN I noun poet. вечер II  1. adj.  1) ровный, гладкий  2) равный, на одном уровне (with); одинаковый; тот же самый; сходный even with the ground - вровень с землей - even date  3) однообразный, монотонный; равномерный - even movement  4) уравновешенный - even temper  5) справедливый, беспристрастный  6) четный evenly even - кратный четырем (о числе) oddly/unevenly even - кратный двум, но не кратный четырем (о числе) to get/be even with smb. - свести счеты, расквитаться с кем-л.  2. adv.  1) ровно  2) как раз; точно  3) даже even if, even though - даже если; хотя бы - even as  3. v.  1) выравнивать (поверхность); сглаживать (тж. even off/out) The ground evens out on the other side of the mountain Prices should even off when the crops are gathered. We must even out the differences between social classes.  2) равнять, ставить на одну доску  3) уравновешивать (тж. even up) This payment should even up our account. If you two sit at the other table, that should even up the groups. A little more weight on this side will even up the balance. to even up on smb. - расквитаться, рассчитаться с кем-л. EVEN as как раз EVEN bet пари с равными шансами EVEN date account. то же число EVEN temper ровный, спокойный характер ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. efen "level," also "equal" (as in efeneald "of the same age"), from P.Gmc. *ebnaz. Modern adverbial sense (introducing an extreme case of something more generally implied) seems to have arisen 16c. from use of the word to emphasize identity ("Who, me?" "Even you," etc.) Sense of "on an equal footing" is from 1637; rhyming reduplication phrase even steven is attested from 1866; even break first recorded 1911. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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